Carbon Literacy Project

The Carbon Literacy Project is the direct result of Manchester's climate change action plan Manchester: A Certain Future(MACF) which pledges the city to a 41% cut in Carbon Dioxide emissions by 2020 and the creation of a 'low carbon culture'.

ALL YEAR Manchester

Carbon literacy is the underpinning knowledge required to create this vital shift in how we live, work and study. The project is built on the principle that when we are carbon literate will have an instinctive understanding of the carbon impacts of our activities, and be able to make informed choices about the most energy and resource efficient and lowest carbon options available to us. 

CLP, originating in Manchester, offers everyone who works, lives or studies in the city and wider area, a day’s worth of Carbon Literacy learning: climate change, carbon footprints, how you can do your bit, and why it's relevant to you and your audience. More than just small, personal changes, Carbon Literacy highlights the need for substantial change and supports you, as an individual, to have a cascade effect on a much wider audience - whether it's in your workplace, community, school, University, place of worship, or other setting. 

For more information, please visit the website.

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