Workplace Ethics Challenge

What ethical challenges will you face in your career?

This challenge is available on Blackboard now

Get to grips with ethical dilemmas in the workplace, gain skills and experience that will improve your confidence and help you stand out in a crowded graduate job market.

The Challenge is the third of our three Ethical Grand Challenges and is your chance to get involved with key global issues.

“Discussed topics that are relevant even though sensitive"

"Made me think more deeply about my role as an individual in wider society”

“Interactive and explorative, accessible to people from all disciplines”

How do I complete it?

  • Year 3 undergraduate students: Find the Workplace Ethics Challenge in the “Organisations” section of Blackboard. If you can’t see the challenge, contact to request access.
  • Year 4+ undergraduate students: If you missed theWorkplace Ethics Challenge in third year, you can still catch up. Sign up by following these instructions.
  • Postgraduate taught students: You can enrol by following these instructions.


Healthcare Workshops

Students on the following programmes will take part in an on campus workshop, focused specifcally on ethics in a healthcare workplace:

  • Audiology
  • Nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Optometry
  • Pharmacy
  • Speech and Language Therapy

For all programmes (apart from Audiology), students will take part in their final year of study. Audiology students will take part in their first year of study. 

If you're not on one of these programmes but are interested in working in a healthcare environment, you can sign up to take part in this workshop. 

Students on the programmes listed above do not need to sign up, the workshop will be added to your timetable at the start of the year. 

Find out more or sign up now

Key Facts About The Workplace Ethics Challenge

When is the deadline for the Workplace Ethics Challenge?

The Workplace Ethics Challenge will close on Tuesday 3 June 2025.

Can I do the online Challenge as well as attending the Healthcare workshop?

Yes, you can do both if you like. You only need to do one in order for it to count towards the Stellify Award


How will completing a Workplace Ethics Challenge enhance my employability?

Graduate employers want to recruit people whose values and behaviour fit with what is expected in the organisation. 

The opportunity to work through real-world workplace situations in the Workplace Ethics Challenge will help build your confidence when faced with the kinds of situational judgment tests used in recruitment. Through discussion with other students in a workshop, or through the interactive activities in the Workplace Ethics Challenge - Online, you will gain new perspectives on current ethical challenges, and examples you can draw on in interview. The content of each Workplace Ethics Challenge option will also introduce you to key workplace rules and regulations.

 “Employers really care about values, ethics, and everything linked to corporate responsibility, and doing the right thing and, if you’re able to show you’re taking that topic seriously, and you’ve proactively done something to learn more about it a further your knowledge, that’s going to  really help you in the employability space.  I’d really recommend participating.” - Katherine Bond, Student Recruitment Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers

 “I would urge every student to consider taking the Ethics Challenge. No matter what the sector, the scenarios explored are recognisable, and being given the opportunity to discuss them in a safe, constructive environment will inevitably make graduates feel much more comfortable in their places of employment.” - Sophie Parkes-Nield, Head of Client Advocacy, Creative Concern

“For anybody going into the workplace . . . it is really important that you’ve got a very strong personal ethic, you know your own values, and your own line in the sand” - Sir Peter Fahey, Former Chief Constable, Greater Manchester Police.