Speak up! Stand up!

Speak up! Stand up! is a campaign by the University of Manchester and the Students' Union. It aims to empower people to be an active bystander and take action against harassment, hate crime and sexual violence.

ALL YEAR University of Manchester Students' Union

We at believe that everyone has the right to live, work and study in an environment free from the fear of harassment or violence.

The 'Speak Up! Stand Up!' campaign is collaboration between the University and the University of Manchester Students Union. It aims to empower people to take action against harassment, hate crime and sexual violence.

Acts of harassment and violence committed because of a person’s identity stem from negative attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes about other people. Left unchallenged these beliefs can lead to prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour and potentially more serious acts of hate and violence.

We want people to know that it’s everyone's responsibility to take action if they see problematic behaviour.

If we do not take action and we allow prejudicial attitudes to become normalised we risk creating a culture in which bias and discriminatory behaviours are not seen as problematic.  

For more information, please visit the website.

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