AI: Robot Overlord, Replacement or Colleague?

This unit will demystify AI, explaining how it works, and demonstrating its limitations. Its overarching aim is to equip Manchester graduates from all disciplines with an understanding of the impact this technology currently has, the way this is likely to change in the future and, crucially, the ability to grasp the opportunities it brings, whatever your chosen career.

Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of machines to learn from data, make decisions and perform actions, is now creeping into every aspect of our lives. This unit explores the mechanisms, implications and ethics of an environment where AI plays an increasingly important role.

We will consider the science behind the headlines to help you develop an informed opinion regarding the complexities of the use of AI in society

We will discuss the conceptual frameworks behind AI methodologies and the sources of the data on which they operate

We will provide an introduction to computational thinking what sort of problems can AI realistically be expected to help with?

There will be an in depth analysis of a series of case studies highlighting the use of AI in work and society

You will work alongside students from a wide range of disciplines, to understand the benefits and opportunities AI offers now, and how this might change in the future

If you are interested in the ways in which AI impacts on society, but have not had the opportunity to study it, this is the unit for you. The unit does not assume any background knowledge.

This is a new, flagship unit, which will be delivered via Blackboard. It is made up of online modules, which will be released at intervals. The unit is highly interactive and adopts a blend of approaches including video inputs, and case studies.

For more information, please visit the website.

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